The Orthodox Pilgrim – First issue


Foreword by the editors


I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?

St. Luke 12 :49


Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

With God’s help, we present you the first issue of The Orthodox Pilgrim, a periodical dedicated to the Orthodox Faith.

Inspired by Father Seraphim Rose’s pioneering work in the second half of the last century, we wish to bring back to light the gems of the Orthodox Tradition, forgotten by the contemporary Christians. Father Seraphim’s time was one of spiritual effervescence in the English-speaking orthodoxy, with many translations of the Fathers of the Church and a good number of periodicals being published.

For the last five-six years, we had the opportunity to explore the archives of The Orthodox Word, Orthodox Life, Living Orthodoxy, and some other orthodox magazines, and we realized that many of the issues treated in these publications are as important to the Orthodox faithful today, as they were 50-60 years ago. Besides, many of the articles form a good introduction to the Orthodox Faith and they might be of great help to the new converts.

Father Seraphim and the hierarchs of his time were more concerned with the practical aspects of our Faith than with theological and mystical debates, and we wish to follow their example regarding the editorial policy of our publication.

As you will notice in our first issue, the main topics that we will cover are the Lives of the Saints, the Great Hierarchs of the 19th and 20th centuries, their lives and their writings, the history of the Orthodox Church, the writings of the Pillars of Orthodoxy.

You can send us your comments, suggestions, or any feedback at

The digital version of our publication has a dedicated web page at and at the same address you will also find the links to all our source material.

At the beginning of our Pilgrimage, we ask for your prayers in order to keep this fire kindled and we place our endeavor under Saint Seraphim of Platina’s protection.


For to die is not evil, but to die an evil death. On this account He said moreover, “I am come to cast fire upon the earth.” And this He said, to declare the vehemence and warmth of the love which He required. For, because He loved us very much, so He will likewise be loved of us. And these sayings would strengthen• the persons present also, and lift them higher. “For if those others,” saith He, “are to despise kinsmen, and children, and parents, imagine what manner of men ye their teachers ought to be. Since neither will the hardships stop with you, but will also pass on to the rest. For since I am come bringing great blessings, I demand also great obedience, and purpose of heart.”

St. John Chrysostom : Homily XXXV on the Gospel of Saint Matthew
Philip Schaff, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Series I, Volume 10











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